I will always argue that desserts taste better in bar form. Whether it’s brownies, blondies, or snickerdoodle bars, I just feel like everything bakes the …

I will always argue that desserts taste better in bar form. Whether it’s brownies, blondies, or snickerdoodle bars, I just feel like everything bakes the …
Jackfruit is part of the fig and mulberry family, native to South India. When cooked, it closely resembles the texture of pulled pork or pulled …
At this point, sweet potatoes are a staple for me! They are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin A! Vitamin A helps to …
This is one of my favorite dishes to make! I’ve messed around with it multiple times and finally got it just right. The best way I know how …
Carrot cake is one of the most delicious and most underrated cakes, in my opinion. But, it’s hard to commit to baking a whole entire …
As a future dietitian who wants to specialize in helping people heal their relationship with food, taking an anti-diet, intuitive eating, food-freedom approach is very …
I made this recipe for someone in my life who was struggling to digest grains. Almond flour is a perfect grain substitute and the healthy …
A common misconception about eating a well-balanced diet is that it can be too expensive. As we are living in a so-called “health revolution,” we …